Up to Me by M. Leighton

Up to Me (The Bad Boys, #2)Up to Me by M. Leighton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it (my current rating) it was amazing

Oh.My.God. This is so freaking HOT! I need a fan, people.

my body is ready

I can't tell you a lot about this book, because it would be giving away too many spoilers. You need to read the first book. And then you need to read this one and you'll go cra-zy. So Instead of telling you the awesome things about the book I'll give you some GIF's to show you how I feel about the book.


The only part I don't like is when Olivia feels the need to prove to her mother that she's her own person and end up in deep shit. Seriously, girl, how stupid are you? Does your mother's opinion of you rate higher than your life?

oh brother

But besides that this book is HOT (did I mention it's super hot?):






awesome avalanche

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Happily ever after doesn’t come easy. But for love, it’s always worth the fight.

Olivia finds bliss unlike any she’s ever known in Cash’s arms. He sets her skin on fire and melts her heart right inside her chest. Unfortunately, their happily ever after is short-lived when a shadow from Cash’s past threatens to turn their world upside down.

Dangerous people from his father’s world have discovered that Cash holds information that could put them away for a very long time. And they’re willing to do anything—and hurt anybody—to get it back. Giving it up means Cash must choose between the life of his father and the life of Olivia.

Having nearly overcome her wariness of bad boys, Olivia’s trust is shaken when this new threat arises. Now she finds that Cash is not only a danger to her heart, but his family has associations that are a danger to her life as well. She soon discovers that there are some situations in life where trust is a girl’s only option. And this is one of them. If she’s to live, she must trust Cash with her life. But to Olivia, that’s much, much easier than letting go and trusting him with her heart.

Up to You in paperback & Kindle edition

Thanks everyone!



Jillian Wood said...


I've nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. Check out my post to find out what you need to do!

Busy Moms Book Reviews

Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer said...

I am reading this on my Smartphone, so I only get a few chapters here and there, but like you I am loving it. Your post made me giggle!

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