Breathtaking Blogs: What You Need to Know

Some of you have heard of this new feature on my blog. Think of it as a meme, except I don't expect people to follow along with me. You can if you want, just leave a link to your post in the comments below.

Now I guess would be a good time to tell you exactly what Breathtaking Blogs is. Well, it's a feature. Or a spotlight, whichever you prefer to call it. It focuses on other book blogs to help generate publicity for the both of us. It also gives other people a different perspective of other book blogs. You can compare and contrast different blogs every week.

If you're interested in having your book blog featured on here read through the requirements below:

* Must be a Middle Grade, Young Adult, or New Adult book blog. I love book blogs that are R rated, but my blog is for teens mainly and I want appropriate content on here. New Adult is stretching that as it is.
* Must be at least three months old. Now this may seem unfair to the newer book blogs, but if a blog doesn't have any interesting content then there's not much point in featuring it. The blog needs time to develop.
* Need some sort of topic to have. It can be an interview, guest post, whatever, but simply saying your blog is awesome isn't going to cut it. Blog readers will get bored otherwise. So you need to be creative. I'll help and provide some ideas, but I'm featuring your blog, so help would be appreciated.
* A giveaway would be nice, but it's not mandatory.

So if you can meet all of those requirements and are interested in having a spotlight on The Kooky Bookworm fill out this form by clicking here.

Happy reading!



Post a Comment

I love comments! So don't hesitate to share your thoughts. Leave your blog/website name and link so I can get back to you. And if you're a new follower, tell me. Note that this is an award-free zone. I loved getting awards and I was pleased you guys thought I was special, but I was nominated so many times and it took a lot of time to do the award posts, time that I don't have. So thanks, but no thanks.

Happy reading!
