I love YA because it's like the air that I breathe. I can't live without it. I read at least two YA books a week. I love to read it, to write it, I love the way I can connect to it. I love the rush of emotions, the teenage dramas, the craziness of everything. YA is everything I am. It fills me up and keeps me sane. I love YA!
But to get the big entries, you need to share the love of YA. It's
simple! Make a blog post (or FB note, or whatevs) and let the world know: Why do you love YA? It's November--the month of
giving thanks--so let us know why you're thankful for YA. You can write about
the genre itself, or about a favorite author, or about a favorite book. It's
wide open: just let the world know why you like YA! Also: you absolutely
don't have to write about me. This isn't about me--it's about the love of YA.
The only requirement is that you also include the above graphic and a link
back to the contest.
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I love comments! So don't hesitate to share your thoughts. Leave your blog/website name and link so I can get back to you. And if you're a new follower, tell me. Note that this is an award-free zone. I loved getting awards and I was pleased you guys thought I was special, but I was nominated so many times and it took a lot of time to do the award posts, time that I don't have. So thanks, but no thanks.
Happy reading!