Beyond the Veil by Quinn Loftis

Beyond the Veil (The Grey Wolves, #5)Beyond the Veil by Quinn Loftis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it it was amazing (my current rating)

Sally and Costin are my favorite couple, without a doubt. Sally I suppose reminds me of my quieter side. It's what I love about these books. All three of the girls are alike to me in some way. Sally is probably my more timid side, whereas Jen would be my party animal side. And I love that. I can relate to the characters, which I can't say that I do for every book.

Another great thing about these books? There's no pretenses. I hate how in most books everything is so structured and perfect. Or, well, I do like the control in that, but I absolutely love the chaos in this. It completely rocks.

I can't wait for the next book to be out. It comes out in January sometime, I think. Right? Well you can plan on me reading it as soon as it comes out. I would have read this one a lot earlier, but I didn't know it was out yet. Silly me. I should really stay on top of these things.

Going back to the story, I really like what I thinks going to happen between Jacque's mom and the warlock king. I had always felt bad about her not really finding her happiness. And the others who find their mates (I'm not naming any names because I just gave away a big enough spoiler for that).

I really am just waiting for the next book. I can't wait. It's going to be amazing!

So read this book. READ! READ! READ! You have to READ it!

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