The Tables Have Turned

Okay, so yesterday I was checking Twitter and I saw a tweet from @ReadersDotCom. They had tagged me in a tweet saying
What's on Your Nightstand? We asked @KaciiEpicness and she told us:
 Now a couple of months ago someone from asked me to do a spotlight for them. I thought, sure, why not? And I had fun doing it. But I had no idea when they were going to put the spotlight on their blog (part of their overall website). So on September 4th they posted the spotlight on their blog and on the 5th they Tweeted to me about it.

You can imagine how psyched I am. I mean, I've done author spotlights, but that was me focusing on the author. This spotlight was about ME. And my book picks for the summer. I thought that was so exciting. Here's some examples of how I'm feeling, and (knowing me) what I look like right now.

Happy Dance 
Seinfeld Happy Dance 
Christopher Eccleston Happy Dance

I think it's a really cool idea to ask people who love books so incredibly to pick a few and share why their so amazing. You can ask anyone in the world about books, and I'm sure you'll get a variety of answers. But asking someone who loves books to pieces is awesome. And I'm not the only one who has been in the spotlight with this. Check out the blog and look for What's on My Nightstand.

Never stop reading,


 Have you entered the Origin giveaway?


Kay said...

That is awesome! I will have to check out their website.

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I love comments! So don't hesitate to share your thoughts. Leave your blog/website name and link so I can get back to you. And if you're a new follower, tell me. Note that this is an award-free zone. I loved getting awards and I was pleased you guys thought I was special, but I was nominated so many times and it took a lot of time to do the award posts, time that I don't have. So thanks, but no thanks.

Happy reading!
